Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Michigan Slogans

Hello all!

My mom's cousin sent these to me. Amazingly enough, they are fairly accurate.

(I will write something original soon, I promise.)


- The one that looks like a mitten, you moron.
- Where used cars from Florida brings top dollar.
- No hurricanes here.
- The Orange Barrel State.
- So close to Canada, you can hardly tell the difference.
- We know the rules to euchre.
- Got fudge?
- Two Mystery Spots. No waiting.
- Yes, the Porcupines are real mountains.
- Soda? We say pop here, buddy.
- The Midwestern "M" state without a wrestler for governor.
- No riots since '67
- More than just boarded up auto plants.
- Casino fever -- catch it.
- Sandy beaches without severe undertow.
- Happiness is a warm pasty.
- Imagine an island where horse manure still litters the streets.
- Water enough for any drought.
- Visit Hell, Paradise, Christmas and Climax. (Can do it all the same day!)
- Birthplace of Meijer Thrifty Acres.
- Where Ontario is a shortcut to New York.
- Gerald Ford slept here.
- It's called snow. Get used to it.
- Where the names of high-toned suburbs needlessly end with "e."
- Deer processing available here.
- Not as flat as Indiana.
- Try eating corn flakes without us.
- Hardly any annoying lizards or poisonous snakes. Big on flannel.
- It's not the heat. It's the humidity.
- Smoked fish sold here.
- Good people with camping trailers.
- We moved American history to Dearborn.
- No toll roads and proud of it.
- Our biggest bridge makes yours look puny.
- Nearly went to war with Ohio once and will do it again if they pull any funny stuff.
- Land of snow machines and bass boats.
- #@?!* mosquitoes.
- We know a place where wooden shoes are always in style.
- Where lousy teams get new stadiums.
- Speed limit is back up to 70, so move it!
- The Red Wings State.

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