Friday, February 10, 2006


Kids say such funny things. I decided yesterday to jot down anything remotely comical that my girls said before lunchtime. Here they are in no particular order:

1. (In response to a dear friend who revealed his age.) "Your almost 64? Wow, that's really old."

2. "I need a kleenex, my nose isn't working."

3. "Walmart needs to make graham cracker flavored toothpaste."

4. "Remember that my penmanship test is on Tuesday and I probably won't know the answers."

5. "Here are the candles I've set out for my birthday." (In May.)

6. "Do you think our great, great, great, great, great, great, great grandpa might be related to Betsy Ross?"

And my personal favorite....

7. "When can I wear a bra?"

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. I'm babysitting tonight, then we have overnight guests; Tim and I are filming a wedding tomorrow, and then the local bridal expo is on Sunday. Tim is going to the expo to pass out DVD samples and flyers; I am going for the hor'dourves and free wedding cake.

Love to all,

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