Tuesday, November 22, 2005

More things to be thankful for:

- Taking your frozen turkey out of the freezer in time to thaw correctly
- Power tools
- Kindling
- Contact lenses
- Lindt Truffles
- Vacuum cleaners
- Friends that think you're cool, even when you're really a dork
- Places that are handicapped accessible
- Ever advancing medical technology
- People who always tell the truth
- Somebody missing you when you're gone
- The eradication of fruit flies
- Haircuts
- Erasers
- Stain-resistant carpet
- Washable markers
- Washable paints
- Washable children
- The ability to forgive

Have a great day and don't forget to take the innards out of your turkey before you cook it,

Monday, November 21, 2005

My sweetie is in an airplane flying to Pennsylvania right now. He flies several times a year, but I still pray like crazy for his safety every time. I know statistically speaking, flying is far safer than driving, but still..........

I'm always so relieved when he calls me to tell me they landed.

Every time I'm in an airplane and I feel the force of the plane taking off, I grip the arms of my seat and think to myself, 'This is absolutely insane. I will never do this again.' Then I get a book out and read to distract myself from the fact that I am enclosed in a hollow metal tube with wings on it, under the command of a complete stranger, soaring to the heights of 30,000 feet.

I don't even bother to think about the whole terrorist thing. I am fairly confident in the abilities of the airport security to find items of question.


I'm spending most of the week preparing for Thanksgiving. We are hosting nearly 30 people this year, so I bought the biggest turkey I could find and then forgot and left it in my van all night. But it was cold enough outside that the thing was still frozen solid the next morning.

So............................., here are a few more things to be thankful for:

- Planes that land safely
- Our postal system
- Blowdryers
- Matches
- Chicken bullion
- The fact that there are more nice people in the world than mean ones
- The book "Redeeming Love" by Francine Rivers
- Scented candles
- Guns and the country that allows us the freedom to carry them
- A perfectly executed distortion guitar solo
- Big snow plows
- Hot tubs

Have a lovely day,

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